Mood Booster Challenge – Day 6 – “Get Answers”

Hello all and welcome to the 6th day of Mood Booster Challenge. Hope the mood boosters have been working for you. Today we are going to get some more answers on how to boost your mood.

Get ready to get the answers, in descending order of difficulty, choose as many as you like.

  1. What is life?
    Welcome back to the oldest and most profound question ever. It is so, probably because it maybe does not have an answer. Or maybe it does have an answer but it’s hidden in plain sight. The most renowned of gurus in the past have failed to give a unanimous answer to this. But nevertheless, it begs the question. Because asking this question makes us forget everything else. It makes everything else seem small. Even the thing that ruined your mood.
  2. Who Am I?
    Another one of those questions that makes you find yourself. It makes you scrape the layers of your personality and see things that you can be proud of. It makes you you. You are the most important person in your life. And it would make you feel good, if you tried to know yourself a bit better.
  3. What do people like about me?
    Warning, this is not an opening to bash yourself. It’s an opportunity to look for things that people like about you. These may be the things that people have told you. The compliments, the positive traits, the kind words, etc. All count.
  4. What things can I do for free?
    There are manyyyy things that we enjoy and would be happy to do it perpetually. Some people are fortunate enough to make those things as their career. You can be one of them too. But first, you got to honestly answer this.
  5. What are the small things that I like?
    It could be any small thing. Like shaping your nails, drinking water on an empty stomach, listening to your own recorded voice, the smell of Gasolene, etc. The tiny things can bring little photons of joy, that can help make your day πŸ™‚
  6. What things I can really improve at?
    Once again, this is not a bashing zone. The things to be named are the things that you really feel that you can improve at, if you started putting effort today. If you feel there are things about you that you cannot change, that’s okay. It’s still a part of you. Focusing on the things that we can change can make us feel much lighter.
  7. What were the happiest moments of my life?
    Does it even need explaining? πŸ˜‡

Hope you find helpful answers to some or all of these questions, and achieve a better mood. See you tomorrow, for the final day of the Mood Booster Challenge. Take care ❀

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